Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Finished my first shit...Maybe I got to excited by the idea and I hurried the process a bit...but this is the result...Only showed it to two of my neighbours and they think I am on serious drugs and they suggested I should find other activities, like cleaning their rooms and stuff like this...not interested...I am in scrapbooking mood now! Don't care how long is gonna last. I enjoy it for now! Back to my Intercultural Communication essay...and then pre-party in Vilhelmsro and at 8 in Akademien to watch the guys getting rid of their ugly beirds for Movember (raising money for the prostate cancer in the campus area). We paid them to do this for a double purpose, right? Tonight they will look better for sure! Can't wait to see Mattias without the facial hair!!!! first try today

Scrapbooking will help me tell stories about me and what is happening to me in a visual an tactile way...I hope my skills will help me create almost the "stories" that I have in I imagine them...I will let you know soon if my creative mood is any good for my new activity. As predictable, my first work of art is going to be PINK!

I need more light...

It definitely gets dark too early I had a project meeting with Linda from Australia, one of the coolest persons around. We will write an essay about Miscommunication in the intercultural context. So, we will do some research and then gather and make a very good work and get an A. After the meeting I went with Yulin to Nyfiket for fika (coffee break). Having fika is a very common activity here and Swedes drink big quantities of coffee. It was our first Fika in this place and we liked it. Its costumers are mostly "artists"...friendly people and not very expensive. I like having fika and I think from now on I will go in a new place every other time...They opened some new places in town the other days. So, we have alternatives

Monday, November 26, 2007

Vilhelmsro - the place to be

My view



Locuiesc din august in Jönköping, orasul de care m-am atasat foarte mult. E un oras mic situat in jurul unui lac -Vättern, al doilea ca marime in Suedia. E mare si frumos si cateodata cu valuri. De la mine de pe geam il vad...asta in zilele cand e ceata si cand sunt acasa inainte de trei dupa-masa:) Zona orasului in care stau se numeste Vihelmsro si e o zona foarte linistita...prea linistita pentru o casa de studenti. Vecinii nostri sunt foarte batrani si mai avem in preajma lost of house for disabled people. Oricum daca busurile ar circula mai des aici ar fi perfect. Casa nu arata ca si caminurile noastre deloc...Am aproximativ 80 de vecini...Ii cunosc pe cei mai multi dintre ei, cu exceptia unor asiatici care nu socializeaza cu offence...Impart bucataria si baia de pe coridor cu inca 8 colegi, dar nu e stresant deloc. Ce facem aici cand nu suntem la scoala sau in club?Foarte multe chestii: lots of movies nights, gatim impreuna (best dinner Singaporean food - Yulin and coque-au-vin - Thomas), pre-parties and after-parties intotdeauna, zile de nastere, poker night, cereals breakfast party, taco night, batai cu zapada mai nou, decorating the common room cu cele mai ciudate chestii, project meetings and some other unexpected events. Petrecerile spontane sunt la ordinea zilei...dar e ok ca tinem cont cand se studiaza si cand nu. Pana acum nu m-a deranjat nici un chef. Dar in fiecare zi I get distracted de cate ceva sau cineva si asa ca studiul e mai ok la biblioteca...acolo you get distracted only my hot Swedish guys:))joking!!! Experimentez interculturalitatea in fiecare zi...sper sa nu creeze dependenta.:) Nu am aplicat pentru locul asta, dar am fost sa vizitez celalte doua case de studenti si nu cred ca mi-ar fi placut mai mult altundeva. Locuiesc cu people from Turkey, Slovenia, UK, Rusia, Polonia, USA, Canada, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Finlanda, Australia, Belgia, Elvetia and no Swedes. O sa imi lipseasca locul asta...

Pentru fetele mele preferate

Dragele mele Cari, Paula si Ade, cred ca ati fost de multe ori dezamagite de blogul meu...sorry for that...I will keep you updated from now gandesc mult la voi!!!abia astept sa povestim! vreau detalii despre noile voastre activitati. sper ca la scoala nu va stresati prea tare!si mai sper ca veniti la banchet! facem impreuna cu Jurna?oricum ne petrecem noi impreuna...Swedish style:))Sper sa ne vedem before stiu exact cand plec!M-am atasat mult de locul asta si de oamenii de aici. Mi-am facut cativa prieteni faini. Orasul e frumos si la scoala imi place...azi am avut ultimul examen si dup-aia voi mai avea numai proiecte si prezentari pentru Intercultural Communication and I will start also working for my Degree Paper. sounds like fun! Sper sa imi gasesc o tema faina, oricum imi place domeniul comunicarii interculturale, so I will be fine! I miss studying and doing some PR stuff. Found some good books here. Probabil ca le voi xeroxa pe cateva, daca nu apuca sa le termin. Biblioteca de aici e amazingggggg...deci chiar iti vine sa stai sa citesti. E un mediu perfect! I love it! Cred ca nu e nevoie sa explic lipsa mea in lumea blogurilor....anyway I am back with more energy than ever! Sper sa ma cititi pentru ca sigur voi fi mai activa...there were too many things happening asa ca nu stiam despre care sa mai scriu;) enough of an explanation?maybe not...I'll be back...Love ya!!!

my first "snowkid" in Sweden

I woke up this moring at 7.30 to revise for my Mass Media Studies exam after 3 hours and a half of sleep and lots of Coke...but it wasn't as bad as I expected....the view outside was amazing...all white! So, I was actually in the mood for the lousy exam, which by the way went well...After the exam I went to eat Libanese Food in a place near school with my favorite Turkish classmates: Alihan and Emir.:) The big event of the is that me and Yulin made a
snowkid...her first! This is why we decided to make a small one...actually, too lazy. Now it's already dark for a while...the snow brings a bit of brightness, which is good and I decide it's for me to share my "intercultural adventure" with you! it's great!!!!