Friday, October 5, 2007

Romania´s day in Jönköping

The presentation of our country was very good. We (Andra, Cristi, Mihai, Laurentiu and me) managed to show people that we have a beautiful country with lots of places worth visiting. We also offered people some traditional food, but only some dishes that are not so complicated to cook. The complicated ones are also a reason why people should visit our country. We also told people the real story of Dracula (who is just a character created by Bram Stoker, who was inspired by the name of Vlad The Impaler - also called Draculea, one of the voievods of the sixteenth century) and that they don´t need to wear garlic in their pokets when they come to Romania. It was fun! Here you can see some photos from the event


Carina said...

Frumoase poze. Te pun pe TeaM'Saga :P

Mariana said...

Tineri destepti si frumosi au prezentat o tara despre care pot spune cu mandrie ca este si tara mea. Sper din toata inima ca in acest fel sudentii romani au reusit sa schimbe macar putin imaginea dezagreabila pe care o are Romania in lume. Felicitari!