Sunday, September 30, 2007

"Triumph of the Nerds" - my reflections

“PC”, “IBM”, “Intel”, “Bill Gates”, “Compaq”, “Microsoft”, "Adobe", "Internet" are words used by everyone on every day’s life and known by very many people. Now we can take advantage of the multiple uses of personal computers, but I don’t think most of us know the story behind this great gadgets. Honestly, I was never interested how the process of creating the PC developed, but many times I thought the some computer freaks did a good job.
Let’s make computers for fun!
I think the story of the computer nerds is really interesting and it is worth watching it. As it is important to know about the history of your country, about important moments of the World’s history I believe it is important to know about the PC’s history because it has become a very important part of our life.
I see these computer nerds (people who use a computer in order to use a computer; for their own fun) like good examples of dedication. They are dedicated when it comes to their goal, they work together, they put together every effort, sharing everything so that they succeed faster in creating the “toys” they want. The fact that they had this communities was really good because it was easier for them to communicate and maybe this is the one of the reasons which contributed to the fact that we have PCs’ today. The spirit they had, sometimes influenced by the hippie movement also helped them to succeed. As Bill Gates said they made “works of love”. They were determined to create de personal computers because they wanted to have fun. It is interesting to see that they didn’t do it for the money they could get out of it. These “leaders of a revolution” did an extraordinary thing and made the world better.
Let’s make computers for money!
Although now we all now the computers are a very well developed business, I thing it is important to know which are the roots of the business (the common effort of the young nerd, as their hobby). I believe that the “suits” appear in this computer field is not a bad thing because the nerds needed some guidance. And I see the business peoples’ involvement in this as an accelerator for what we have today in the computers’ field.
One interesting aspect of the computer business is that buying a piece of the computer later is less expensive and does more. This is why they have to be sold quick to avoid to lower prices.
Another thing that makes this business a good one is that every day some parts of your computer can be updated and this means of course more money. When I bought my first computer I knew that there is going to be a moment when I would have to invest for better uses and more applications which work faster.

The reaction of the media is also presented in the movie and the main idea of all the articles is that computers are the future. They really are the present and the future. I’m really curious what kind of laptop I will use in ten years.

Another aspect which I find interesting to follow in this movie is the need of the people involved in the computer business to improve the computers. They wanted them to be faster, easier to use, more fun, more user friendly, having killer applications. Almost all the time there was a need for the next level. Which is going to be the next level of the computer technology we use today? I can't wait to find out!

We interact with computers every day, even if sometimes we don't realise. They became part of our lives. Even when we use the credit cards to pay, we use computers. Most of us would not imagine their lives without Internet. So, using the computers makes us feel integrated in the society, an active part of it and a participant in our societies.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cateva ganduri din prima luna petrecuta in Suedia

Mi-am dorit de cand eram mica sa ajung in Suedia. Visul meu s-a implinit in luna august. Am ajuns in Jönköping foarte de dimineata si am cautat Universitatea. In drumul spre scoala am vazut lacul Vättern. Pe malul lacului era foarte multa lume pentru ca era soare si aici oamenii sunt foarte bucurosi cand e insorit. Si eu ma bucur foarte mult de astfel de zile pentru ca ploua foarte des, dar nimeni nu se uita ciudat daca ai noroi pe pantofi:) In campus sunt patru scoli, biblioteca(imensa si unde gasesti si carti foarte noi si carti foarte vechi) si Studenternas Hus(locul unde se organizeaza evenimente culturale, unde poti bea ceva si manca, unde e magazinul cu obiecte cu logo-ul scolii, carti second hand si cateva calculatoare). Imi place foarte mult zona facultatii. Eu merg la School of Communication and Education, care e cea mai frumoasa;). Orasul e mic, dar destul de activ. Sunt foarte multi exchange students, ceea ce e bine pentru ca suntem ca o comunitate aici. Studentii suedezi sunt prietenosi, dar dupa cateva beri si cum la scoala nu beau, desi in barul scolii se vinde si bere. Sunt si unii care sunt interesati de noi, dar destul de putini. Eu ma integrez mai usor pentru ca toti cred ca sunt suedeza, dar simt ca au anumite retineri cand vad ca nu vorbesc suedeza.
Casa in care stau e ok. Locuiesc numai cu exchange students intr-o zona mai retrasa a orasului, unde busul vine o data la 30 de minute, dar e frumos. Avem vedere spre lac, un common room mare si mult chef de petrecere. Mi se pare ciudat sa locuiesc aici, alaturi de inca aproximativ alti 50 de tineri, dar imi place mult.
Pana luni am avut numai curs de suedeza, dar acum am inceput un curs care are o mai mare legatura cu comunicarea, pentru ca sunt mici sansele sa folosesc suedeza in comunicare. Deja avem teme, doua carti de citit ,de vizionat filme si multe teme de reflectie. Profii sunt tineri si ne trateaza bine.
Aici sunt foarte multe evenimente in fiecare saptamana. Se organizeaza petreceri tematice "Toga party", "White Party", "Pool Party"- the best party I've ever been to, "Beach Party" si altele. La Studendernas Hus in fiecare saptamana e o competitie, o expozitie sau prezentari de diferite feluri. Marti, 2 Octombrie, va fi prezentare Romaniei, am emotii, dar sunt sigur ca ne vom descurca. Suntem 4 studenti si speram sa reusim sa convingem macar cativa oameni ca Romania nu e chiar asa "fucked up" cum cred ei.
Am foarte multe de spus, dar cred ca post-ul e deja prea lung. Imi continui povestea mai tarziu.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My first post on my brand new blog

I´m in my Communication Technology class right now, my first course in Jönköping University, except for Swedish Language, Culture and Society. I hope it is going to be fun...My first assignment is already something that I would never expect to have to do at school. So, I already have this dare which is to create my techno autobiography. Some ideas already came to my mind and I think it is going to be interesting. I hope my imagination will help me doing a good job. I will let you know how my work developes.