Thursday, March 12, 2009


I am not an active blogger as you can all see...maybe i shouldn’t even call myself a blogger of any type. I like writing but sometimes I feel that if I write here I would show too much of myself. And I am not sure I would like that. But tonight, after 2 episodes of One Tree Hill – favorite show at the moment, I feel like telling you what friendship means to me. I will begin this by saying that I don’t have many friends. I used to be frustrated many times coz girls don’t like as a close friend, but I got used in time with the win-win situations of having someone to share a gossip with, shopping with, going out for a drink, giving or asking for advice, having someone to call when feeling like sharing stuff. I realized that many of us do this…is it good or is it bad? Still wondering…are we even looking for real friendship? I sure am. And by friendship I mean: trusting someone in every situation, knowing that the first think that he/she thinks of when u have a problem is a way to fix it, the need for his smile and laughter. A friend is someone that makes you feel good about yourself and in the same time makes u motivated to become better. A good friend is the one u like taking photos with and like looking at them after. U also have to enjoy spending time with ur friends and not being afraid of telling them anything that is crossing ur mind. U have to be sure that they won’t judge you…they are just there to listen and express their honest opinion. I have just a few friends and I am glad I have them…coz life would be more difficult without them. And I am also happy to say that the most important of them is my Mother…I am thankful for everything she did for me all these years of our lives together and I hope I will find the way to show her that, coz I feel I didn’t do that yet.
I miss my friends from abroad!

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