Monday, April 13, 2009

Big opening in town

Joi seara am aflat că vineri se deschid magazinele grupului Inditex. Am bănuit că acest lucru se va întâmpla la ora 10 o dată cu deschiderea Mall-ului şi mă gândeam că la 10.30 mai am şanse să intru în magazine:) Ajunsă acolo domnul de la pază mi-a comunicat că magazinele se deschid abia la ora 13. Mom, still my biggest sponsor, a dat ok-ul pentru a reveni. Am avut la dispoziţie o oră jumătate de excitement.
Preferatul meu e Bershka, brand despre care mă documentasem cu ceva timp în urmă când am primit un anunţ ejobs în care era menţionat ca parte a grupului Inditex şi despre care nu ştiam. Până să deschidă ei magazinul oficial eu deja mi-am achiziţionat o pereche de harem jeans from the black market by Bershka. În ziua deschiderii am mai găsit o pereche de blugi turqoise şi o pereche de colanţi latex type...which seem a bit slutty for the county we live in, but thet definitely remind me of the hot Swedish, I dare all the brave girls to wear them. They are a must sexy!!!
Now I know where to invest! Thanks guys for the opening!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I am not an active blogger as you can all see...maybe i shouldn’t even call myself a blogger of any type. I like writing but sometimes I feel that if I write here I would show too much of myself. And I am not sure I would like that. But tonight, after 2 episodes of One Tree Hill – favorite show at the moment, I feel like telling you what friendship means to me. I will begin this by saying that I don’t have many friends. I used to be frustrated many times coz girls don’t like as a close friend, but I got used in time with the win-win situations of having someone to share a gossip with, shopping with, going out for a drink, giving or asking for advice, having someone to call when feeling like sharing stuff. I realized that many of us do this…is it good or is it bad? Still wondering…are we even looking for real friendship? I sure am. And by friendship I mean: trusting someone in every situation, knowing that the first think that he/she thinks of when u have a problem is a way to fix it, the need for his smile and laughter. A friend is someone that makes you feel good about yourself and in the same time makes u motivated to become better. A good friend is the one u like taking photos with and like looking at them after. U also have to enjoy spending time with ur friends and not being afraid of telling them anything that is crossing ur mind. U have to be sure that they won’t judge you…they are just there to listen and express their honest opinion. I have just a few friends and I am glad I have them…coz life would be more difficult without them. And I am also happy to say that the most important of them is my Mother…I am thankful for everything she did for me all these years of our lives together and I hope I will find the way to show her that, coz I feel I didn’t do that yet.
I miss my friends from abroad!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Listen to this

This morning I heard on MTV Hits this song by Lily Allen...and I like it!
Today I feel like taking a long walk in town coz I like the way it looks during autumn. At the end of the season I see it as being too sad to walk coz the trees look weird without their leaves. Hope Alex feels like walking too. He might be surprised that I plan doing this today:) But as the very used expression says - Eco is a cool trend! and I like to follow the trends sometimes...Maybe I won't drive today. That means that I'm not going to school as well. I'll see what's gonna happen...wish u all a wonderful day!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I am still around

I started my master studies a week ago – Adverstising and Sales Promotion at West University of Timisoara. After one week of courses and seminars I realize I like Consumer’s behavior – one of the objects I will study this semester. Don’t know how interesting the other classes will be. Anyway, I will do my best to learn as much as I can from my master, especially coz it is an important financial investment and coz I wanna be a better communicator.
Today I got the result for the first round of recruitment for AIESEC Timisoara. Tomorrow I will have the group interview. The reasons I applied for this is the fact that the organization turned out to be serious, develops interesting projects and I felt sorry I didn’t apply sooner. I got the chance to see this in one of their projects – Marketing School – which came right after the Olympics of Communication and gave us the chance to keep ourselves in shape while using our communication skills. Me and Ade where in the same team and we worked for an internet marketing firm from our town – Webness. It was a good experience and I’m sure AIESEC has more to offer. And I wanna get involved coz right now I am not planning to get a full-time job. Hope I’ll be a good prey and then be in the same team with the AIESEC hunters. I'll let you know what happens next and how the interview goes.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Emotiile interviului

Va intrebati de ce nu mi-am pus pe blog parerile despre aventura interviului? Sunt mai multe motive: nu sunt blogger first of all...a real one, am fost ocupata sa popularizez faptul ca suntem in finala, am avut un program tare incarcat in zilele acestea, mi-a luat destul de mult timp sa ma refac dupa drumul la Bucuresti. Fuga dupa tren m-a epuizat. Nu imi mai place cu trenul ma mai asteapta cateva drumuri la Bucuresti...I don't sound very much excited about it, but actually I am very happy we are gonna work for a real client. Partea cu trainingul si briefingul mi-a placut si anul trecut. Am lucrat pentru Coca-Cola si ne-am intalnit cu Andreea Leonte de la care ne-am inteles bine. Sunt curioasa cine va extrage clientul si care va fi clientul anul acesta. Sper sa ajungem si la conferinte. Suna interesant! Marius a reusit sa ma convinga!
Sa nu uit...parca am uitat de drumul aiurea cu trenul pana in capitala cand am vazut ce primire ni s-a facut...Multumim, Marius! Chiar am avut mai mult elan la interviu...poate prea mult, pentru ca mi-am dorit sa imi spun partea prea repede...Scuze, Vlad! Promit ca la prezentarea finala sa te las si pe tine sa vorbesti!
Imi lipsesc din program intalnirile TeaM'Saga...curand le reluam!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

In ajun de preselectie

Zilele astea lucram la prezentarea campaniei noastre. avem intalniri mai matinale, dar ne straduim sa ajungem la timp...sau sa ajungem:) scuze pentru azi! am cam adormit...maine ajung cu siguranta la timp, desi in seara asta mergem la UVT party, glamorous student night:), black and white party, concert Vama si Alex la club Heaven...acolo unde mie imi place baia:) si animatorii...oops:) btw, vorbeam despre un singur eveniment pentru seara de asta.
Astazi am scris o parte din studiul meu de caz on adidas...Ma atasez tot mai mult de brand. Vreau tenisi am pus ochii ieri pe unii Puma...tot in familie merge profitul:) Oamenii spun ca trebuia sa o consult pe mum in alegerea temei de licenta. Sigur si-ar fi dat seama de consecinte si m-ar fi indrumat spre o alt tema:) sau nu...Sper sa nu fac prea mari gauri in buget datorita atasamentului fata de unele branduri. Am gasit foarte multe evenimente super tari in care s-a implicat adidas de-a lungul timpului si campanii neconventionale. Voi avea un studiu de caz frumos pentru licenta.
Puteti vedea un scurt istoric al adidas pe site creat de agentia pentru a sarbatori 10 de colaborare cu adidas.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Ce mai fac eu...

In ultimele zile m-am intalnit aproape zilnic cu fetele si cu inca mai rezista cu noi. Poate in final o sa fie el cel care ne contacteaza sa ne vedem:) waiting for that intalnirea de azi am ras...poate eu cam mult. am stat in aer liber si asta ne-a facut si mai spirituali si cu mai mult chef de munca, right? maine ne vedem din nou...ieiiii...sper sa nu uit sa imi iau de la secretariat carnetelul ala pentru reduceri la biletul de tren pentru ca altfel iar trebuie sa faca presiuni fetele ca sa il obtina pentru mine:) hai ca am invatat ceva de anul trecut. inca ne gandim daca plecam duminica sau luni spre Bucuresti. vom stabili si in functie de programarea care va fi facuta pentru echipele de la Advertising.
Alte chestii pe care le fac zilele intreb daca sa revin la culoarea de par cu care am obisnuit lumea timp de la 6 ani sau sa ii sochez in continuare cu culoarea noua.
Imi caut materiale pentru lucrarea de licenta ... BRANDING SI MODA. Frumoasa tema,nu? Mie imi place si sunt sigura ca veti dori sa o cititi. Btw, cred ca m-a influentat putin in alegerea temei si cartea lui Ovidiu Buta.
Abia astept sa ne prezentam campania!